AI Digital Coach: Gaurav Panday

Gaurav Panday:-

I’m an AI Digital Coach , Freedom Business Expert & Author.

He is a Professional Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker with an Aim to Transformer the lives of Million to Achieve Success…

Founder and CEO:-

Gaurav Panday (

Digital business Azadi (

Grow 15x (

Softclu (

4+ Year’s Experience in Network Marketing.

Work with International Network Marketing Company since 2019.

4+ Year’s Experience in Training Industry.

I have done more than 100+ Online Training and change the lives of 1000+ People.

  • We are Dedicated to Providing you with the Knowledge, Tools, and  Support you need to Achieve Financial Freedom and Success. We focus on Empowering Individuals with the skills and Resources Necessary to Create Multiple Streams of Income. Including Passive  Income and Make Smart Financial Decisions that will set up for Long Term Success.
  •  We believe that Financial Planning and Entrepreneurship go Hand-in-Hand. We Offer Guidance and Mentorship on Various Opportunities such as Direct Selling, Digital Marketing, and other Avenues that can  Help you Create Sustainable Income Streams. Our Goal is to Help you  Gain Financial Literacy and Make Informed Decisions that will Benefit  You and Your Family.
  • We Understand the Importance of Having a Strong Foundation in Life  & Health. That’s why we Provide Resources and Solutions to Help you  Navigate these Areas and Make the Best Decision for Your Well Being.
  • Our Team also Offers Guidance on the Success Journey, Which can be a  Powerful Tool for Building Wealth Over Time. We are Committed to  Providing you with all the information you need to Make Informed  Decisions about Your Success Journey.
  •  I Believe that Success is not Achieve Alone. That’s why we Offer  Mentorship and Support to Help you Achieve your Goals. Our Team is  Dedicated to Helping you Achieve Financial Freedom and Creating a  Life of Abundance.

Thanks you for Choosing Success Journey with Gaurav Panday. Let’s work Together to build a Better Future.


The Principals of Gaurav Panday are Centered Around the Belief that Everyone has the Potential to Achieve Financial Freedom and Success, Regardless of their Background or current Circumstances. Our Principles include.

Principal :- EESILC



We Believe in Empowering Individuals with the skills, Knowledge, and Resources Necessary to achieve their Financial Goals and Build a Life of Abundance.



We Believe in Providing Comprehensive Education and Training on Various Topics such as Financial Planning, Entrepreneurship, and Health, Investment Strategies to Help Individuals Make Informed Decisions.



We Believe in Providing Support & Mentorship to Individuals as they Navigate their Journey toward Financial Freedom & Success.



We Believe in Conducting Ourselves with Integrity, Transparency, and Honesty in all our Interaction and Transactions.



We believe in Continuously Learning and Adapting to the Changing World to Provide the Most Up-to-date & Relevant Information & Guidance to our Clients.



We Believe in Building a Community of Like-Minded Individuals who Support & Uplift each Other in their Journey toward Financial Success.

I’m Committed to this Principal’s & we Strive to Help Individuals Achieve their Financial Goal & Create a Life of Abundance.


I’m on a Mission to Help Individuals Achieve Financial Freedom & Success by Providing them with the Knowledge, Tools & Support Necessary to Build Multiple Stream of Income & Make Informed Financial Decision. Our Mission is Rooted in the Belief that Everyone has the Potential to Create a Life of Abundance & we are Committed to Providing the Resources & Mentorship Needed to Achieve this Goal.

Our Mission Includes:-

  • Providing comprehensive education and Training on Various Topics such as Financial Planning, Entrepreneurship, Health, and Investment  Strategies to help Individuals Make Informed Decisions.
  • Offering Guidance and Mentorship on Various Opportunities such as   Direct Selling, Digital Marketing, and other Avenues that can Help you  Create Sustainable Income Streams.
  • Providing Resources and Solutions to Help Individuals Navigate Health  & General Insurance & Make the Best Decision for their well-being.
  • Offering Guidance on Success Journey & other Strategies to Help  Individuals Build Wealth over Time.
  • Providing Mentorship & Support to Individuals as they Navigate their  Journey toward Financial Freedom & Success.
  • Building a Community of Like-Minded Individuals who Support & Uplift each other in their Journey toward Financial Success.

Our Mission is to Help Individuals Achieve Financial Freedom & Success & Create a Life of Abundance. We are Committed to this Mission & Strive to Provide the Resources & Support Necessary to Help Individuals Achieve their Goals.


Vision is to Create a World where Financial Freedom & Success are Achievable for Everyone Regardless of their Background or Current Circumstances. Our Vision is Rooted in the Belief that everyone has the Potential to Achieve Greatness & we are Committed to Providing the Knowledge, Tools & Support Necessary to help Individuals Realize their full Potential.

Our Vision Includes:-

  • Creating a Comprehensive Educational Platform that Provides  Individuals with the Knowledge and Skills Necessary to Achieve  Financial Freedom and Success.
  • Offering Guidance and Mentorship on Various Opportunities such as   Direct Selling, Digital Marketing, and other Avenues that can Help  Individuals Create Sustainable Income Streams.
  • Providing Resources and Solutions to Help Individuals Navigate Health  & General Insurance & Make the Best Decision for their well-being.
  • Offering Guidance on Success Journey & other Strategies to Help  Individuals Build Wealth over Time.
  • Building a Strong Community of Individuals who Support and Uplift each other in their Journey toward Financial Success.
  • Creating a World where Financial Literacy is the Norm, & Individuals have the Tools & Knowledge Necessary to Make Informed Decisions about their Finances.

Our Vision is to Create a World where Financial Freedom & Success are Achievable for everyone. We are Committed to this Vision & Strive to Provide the Resources & Support Necessary to Help Individuals Achieve their Goals & Create a Life of Abundance.


Empowerment is the Process of Enabling Individuals or Groups to Take Control of their Own Lives, Make Decisions, & Take Action that Leads to Positive Outcomes—some of the Values that are Typically Associated with Empowerment.

Values: RTCCA



Empowerment Required a deep Respect for the Autonomy & Agency of the Individual or Group Being Empowered. This means Valuing their Perspective, Honoring their Choice, & Trusting their Abilities.



Empowerment Requires Trust, Both in Oneself & in Others. This Means Believing in one’s Own Ability to Take Action & Make Decisions & also Trusting others to do the Same.



Empowerment Often Involves Working with others to Achieve shared Goals. this requires Spirit of Collaboration, Open Communication & a Willingness to Learn from Other’s.



Empowerment Requires Courage, both to Take Action & to Face the Challenges that Arise along the way. This means being Willing to Take Risks, Make Mistakes, & Learn from Failure.



Empowerment also Required Accountability, both to Oneself & to Others. This means Taking Responsibility for One’s Actions, Learning form Mistakes, & being Willing to Make Amends when Necessary.

Overall the Value of Empowerment is Centered around Respect, Trust, Collaboration, Courage & Accountability. When Individuals or groups are Empowered, they can take Control of their Own Lives, Make Decisions that Align with their Values and Goals, & Ultimately Achieve Greater Success & Fulfillment.


“Unlock Your Potential, Believe in Yourself, & Achieve Your Dreams”

This motto emphasizes the Idea of Empowering Individuals to take into their Abilities & Take Control of their Lives. It Encourages Individuals to Believe in Themselves, Take Action & Pursue their Goals with Determination and Focus. Overall the motto reflects the Values of Empowerment, Including Respect, Trust, Collaboration, Courage, and Accountability & Emphasizes the Importance of Taking Ownership of one’s Own Life & Future.